Sunday, September 28, 2008

Twenty Mintues...

Hmmm.... so my twenty minutes of nothingness was spent in a car for 3 hours on friday on my way to portland. I was heading down for my cousin's wedding and i had not had the time before to take twenty minutes out of my schedule. Originally I had planned for my 20 minutes of nothingness to be spent lying in my room just staring up at the ceiling but i figured since i had 3 hours to do nothing might as well spend it on something productive? Haha thats a interesting thought.. considering spending 20 minutes to do nothing productive. but its only productive because its a requirement. 
Thinking about how some people consider sitting in front of a television or similar activities a form of doing nothing were as I see doing nothing requires me to free my mind from anything distracting me. But when i just sit there and "free my mind" my mind would usually be racing. I would think about the things i need to get done or things i need to do before the next day. So really thought i consider doing nothing just sitting in my room but some may beg to differ.

Anyways during my 20 minutes I tried to just zone out and disengage myself from the conversations that was going on around me in the car. But just observing the conversations allowed me to notice little things. For instance I noticed little quirks that my mom did when she was talking that i never really noticed before. I think I may need to shut my mouth more often and just listen. But i think that was the point of this whole exercise.