Tuesday, December 2, 2008

impossible project...

Step one: take care of multiple babies by yourself

Step two: feed multiple crying babies at the same time

Step three: change the diapers of multiple crying babies at the same time

Step four: be calm

Step one: decorate every inch of your house with Christmas Lights

Step two: decorate every inch of the outside of your house with Christmas Lights

Step three: decorate every inch of the inside of your house with Christmas Lights

Step four: have a low electricity bill

Monday, December 1, 2008

Public Art

msn had this article on their front page the other day... this brings up the question of graffiti and whether it is vandalism or art.
these pictures are seen as artwork. but what makes it art vs vandalism?


Stop and Smell the Roses

here is group 4 aka Stop and Smell the Roses video on youtube. :D

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Audio Blog

i decided to record the sound of water running. the sink was running while i was washing the dishes and thought what better sound then running water for this class. washing dishes is apart of everyone's everyday life. we are constantly washing dishes over and over. while listening to the sound it reminded me of the sound of rain falling. all that i could think of was snuggling up in a warm blanket with coffee in my hand and a book in the other. how cliche right? anywho enjoy my audio

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Broadway Public Art

i was on Broadway in Seattle visiting my cousin the other day and we were on our way to catch a late dinner and out of no where in the store windows there were works of art. it was so crazy. it was kinda dark so the displays stood out like a sore thumb.
thinking about it this would have been a totally cool project to do because these works of art are in a place that is part of the everyday and to display it in store windows makes a statement.
these artists use different mediums to display their art. there was this one display that used strings of light to produce the artwork. the string of lights were placed in a way that formed an octopus in an ally way. i wish i could find more pictures but i didnt have my camera and i dont know where online to look.
anyways just digging deeper in to the way these works of art are displayed, one could walk down broadway and just think that every store is the same when all of a sudden BAM! these displays are there. in a place that is out of the ordinary. and is apart of our everyday life.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Diet Coke

The rock was probably lying in the Clear Channel parking lot in Seattle, or perhaps in the produce aisle of a grocery store. 'Baby, you're so sweet.' Isn't he sweet? And he also bought a liter of Diet Coke. She's a guy's gal if there ever was one. How's the adage go? Never trust a woman.
- Seattle Weekly

Naked Computer

McKenna's office has set up a PC, which it leaves naked and shivering in the cold, cruel landscape of the World Wide Web. Selis says the "honey pot computer," a pop-up started appearing, and every hour a 40-second video covered most of the screen
- Seattle Weekly