Hmm... i am surprised no one has mentioned The Game of Life. What better game for this class then the game of life. Well not really.. the game of Life is an interesting game. I think i've only played this game once or twice, so i decided to google the synopsis for the game... and here is what i got.
Skill and Chance for all the family - an exciting journey through life. Rich man, poor man, beggarman...Life is full of surprises. Risk everything for big gains or quietly amass a fortune, you can make a lot of money and then lose it again. Will you end up at the Millionaire's Mansion or the Retirement Home?
also.... i found this summary of the game: • Make your choices, take your chances and experience the twists and turns of real life in this modern take on the Game of Life
• Electronic gameplay lets you choose how long you want to play and lets you manage your money, houses, cars and family matters at the touch of a button
its funny how this game is all about buying and making choices and the final prize at the end is either a millionaire's mansion or the retirement home... it makes you think about what people or society sees as an important factor in life. is that all life is really about? what about the meaning behind living? is there meaning? is there a purpose other than being financially comfortable? makes you think huh? :)
or does this game just highlight the everyday life? i always seem to get confused with finding the important in the everyday life vs just seeing what goes on in the everyday. its still alittle blurry because my whole mentality is that i want to constantly see the importance of the everyday or in other words "smell the roses." i feel like i need to always see the little things that matter. i'm not entirely sure i am making sense but thats the fun of blogging, just to get your thoughts all out.
what do you guys think??