Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Blogging Excercise

This picture is quite amazing, how real it looks with its sky and the birds in the sky. Its almost like there is a wall outside, Rather than the sky in a room. This picture reminds me of summer days sitting around lazily just looking up at the blue sky with the clouds flying by. Just thinking of how beautiful it is today and not having to worry about anything else. Like work or life or anything of that matter. Being a child gives you the freedom to be able to not have to care about anything in the future rather a child is able to live day by day. Enjoying every moment of life. It brings me back to a time when I was little, during the summers where my sister had to babysit me. Her room had the best view in the house. It looked out into the street in front of our house but beyond the houses in front there was a magnificent view of mountain rainier. On a good day it looked so majestic and so close you feel like you could almost touch it. On any given summer day I could find my sister perched on her window sill or outside on the rooftop just reading a book or listening to the sounds of summer. I would climb on her bed and just lay there soaking up the rays of the sun that was flooding into the room. When she moved away, I took up her position on her window sill which became my window sill and sat there and let my mind flow with thoughts. Now and days if I attempted to do that I would find myself worrying about one thing or another. Thinking about what I need to do before the next day or just worrying about the future. I find myself not having a spare moment to be able to bask in the sun or even sit and think. However whenever I see a beautiful sunny day or even the sky so blue and clear I think of those summers and how life used to be.

this picture reminds me of my childhood, how I used to obsess about these dolls that were called the American Girl dolls. There was one doll who wore an outfit like this young man in the picture. Her name was Samantha and I remember how I wish I had her as a doll. I would read her stories that came with each doll and imagine how life would be as her. i beg my mom for one of these dolls one Christmas and I would not stop begging until I knew I got one. That Christmas I remember a package coming to our house and seeing my mom at the bottom of the stairway about to take it up to her room. She saw me look down and told me to go to my room. I asked her why and she said its nothing just go. So the morning of Christmas I opened a present that felt like the size of the doll. And to my “surprise” I had my doll. It wasn’t the Samantha doll but the Molly doll. I told my mom I wanted the Molly doll because it looked more like me. It had glasses and pig tails. I loved it so. i would still go through the catalog that the doll came in and look at all the other dolls. The Samantha doll would have this desk set from the time I believe was the 1950s or perhaps earlier. It reminds me a lot of the stool the little boy is sitting on. I made a desk of my own to try to imitate the desk in the catalog. My mom was not going to get me the desk because the desk cost a lot more then she would ever pay for. Also in fourth grade my teacher had this antique desk that was similar to the Samantha desk. And I would love to sit in it during our reading hour. The desk was so classy and cool. In elementary school we did not have those type of desks.

Hmm… this picture reminds me a lot of a television show called Friends. Where one of the characters on the show works as a paleontologist and for his job he would work as a curator for a dinosaur museum. Everytime I see an exhibit like this one I think of the show and how the paleontologist would take the children on tours. But this polar bear brings me back to a documentary called the Inconvenient Truth. Where it talks about the issues of global warming and the affects it has on our world. We see that global warming is real and can make an impact on our world. Why this picture reminds me of this movie is because of an animated image that the documentary put together to give the audience more of a visual which showed how polar bears population is decreasing because of the melting of the ice caps. Polar bears can only swim for so long before the die from drowning. The animation that the show is this little polar bear trying to grab hold of a piece of floating ice. But the ice melts and breaks and cannot hold the bear. Its so sad because the polar bear is made to look so cute. After seeing this documentary I took up a position of trying to be more environmentally friendly. I have practiced more sustainability after this then I would ever have though. My new passion has opened my eye to the things of this world. Before this I was so stuck in my own world and the happenings of my own world I failed to see what was happening in the world around me. This brought about a new interest in helping those who are most vulnerable in the world. Trying to be able to give all that I can give to benefit those who are less fortunate then me.

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