Sunday, October 5, 2008

Christmas decorations already...

I saw Christmas decorations at the store today and it made me think of our winter last year. This picture is one i took last year from my bed room window. This picture made me think of the UFO pictures that were shown in class and how i probably would not have taken a picture of the street in front of me if not for the beautiful sunset and snow sprinkled on the ground.

Anywho... christmas decorations already?!?! its only october.. it feels like the stores start selling decorations for holidays early and early every year. I am a sucker for it though. I've already started my christmas shopping, my whole thought of mind this year is to get my shopping done early so i dont have to worry about it later. but somehow i always wait till the last minute to buy gifts then i end up buying useless or close to useless stuff. We'll see how this holiday season goes. I told myself i want to stray away from buying materialistic stuff and try to make my gifts or make them more personal. But that whole topic is a whole other story. We'll save that for when the holiday seasons comes closer.

Hope you guys find this picture as breathtaking as when i first took it. :D


Gretchen said...

Hey Lori,
I know, it does seem so early to see Christmas decorations when there are still Halloween items out. On one hand, I enjoy it, because I want Christmas to last longer. I just stood in Kohl's the other day surrounded by decorated trees listening to the tinkling of the Christmas village music. On the other hand, my kids start asking earlier and earlier how long until Christmas???!!! Like you, I have already started Christmas shopping, and I know material possessions should not be important, but I love finding just the right gift for people.

Joe Milutis said...

so I would take this deeper. E.g. why is sun NOT a UFO? What does cult of sun have to do with Christmas holidays? What does it mean to ornament "time," and then what does it mean to have access to those ornaments well ahead of time???

LT said...

do you think these holidays are celebrated for what they are or these days they're just used for marketing and sales? what if everyone reused their christmas decor from the years past and do not purchase anymore stuff? would we see less ho ho ho's at walmart?